If you stand still in an environment and watch it, you’ll notice some impressive visuals. These camps also act as both fast travel stations and a way to replenish your exhaustion meter. This can be a great way to skip some grinds. In these areas, you can craft selection gear and items quickly. You’ll need to set up camps if you want to survive. There’s also a specific menu option that you can use to manage all of them. You can unlock new ones by spending your hard-earned skill points. These include Assault, Panther, Field Medic, and Sharp Shooter. To start you off, there’s a decent variety of classes for you to choose from. In this case, the bullet that went astray is Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

Other times, though, they miss completely. Sometimes these hit their mark like Splinter Cell Chaos Theory or Rainbow Six Siege. The Tom Clancy game series is like bullets flying in from every direction. Ghost Recon Breakpoint offers many great features but is limited heavily by all its flaws.