1.2 miles up steep terrain may seem like a lot to someone who isn’t used to it, but if you quit whining and just do it, it really isn’t that much, unless you’re carrying a heavy load or really in a hurry.

Walking distance is a very relative term and mental attitude has a lot to do with it. The tail of the 34 south of Othello St seems pointless in this configuration. If we could get rid of that requirement, the obvious thing to do would be to terminate the proposed 39 at the VAMC, terminate the proposed 34 at Columbia City Station, and add a route to serve the tail of the 34 from Columbia City Station to Othello Station. I think it only really exists to provide the part of Ranier between Alaska and Othello with a one-seat-ride to downtown.

You are right, though, that the part of the 39 west of the VAMC looks pointless. If you split Martin’s proposed 36, for example, you still end up having to serve the same corridors at the same headways, and just force people going from Ranier Beach to South Beacon Hill to transfer. The other issue is that they don’t save money, unless you can use them to eliminate a freeway running segment that generates no revenue, which isn’t the case in the RV. I don’t think the planners have anything against them, but I guarantee that every disabled vet and their crying children will show up at the hearings and say it was the end of the world if you did anything to the service to VAMC, including making people transfer in order to get better service.